Category Archives for "Meditation"

Feb 18

Ten Day Meditation Challenge – Spring 2020

By Ally | Meditation

Welcome to the Spring 2020 Ten Day Meditation Challenge!I am so excited that you are here! Please take a moment to watch this quick 10-minute welcome video and let me know in the comments who you are and your experience with meditation and a reflection on where you believe that meditation leads. I love connecting with […]

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Feb 12

Uplifting Air Element Meditation

By Ally | Meditation

This guided meditation is meant to uplift and invite inspiring energy into your body & mind. Often times, people reach out to me during this time of year because they are feeling “bogged down” or have the “winter blues” or are experiencing S.A.D. symptoms or a bit of depression. This is actually a fairly common occurrence […]

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Jan 25

Hridaya Heart Space Meditation

By Ally | Meditation , Spirit

This is a short uplifting pranayama practice for clearing the mind and cleansing the energy followed by a Heart Space Meditation. Know that I was in Costa Rica filming this video so there are some loud birds and monkeys in the background and faint sounds of my neighbours in the distance. Please use this as an […]

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Dec 16

Letting Go Breath

By Ally | Meditation , Moon Phases

​In this video I will guide you through a 10 minute breathing practice to tap in the the effortless emptying out/letting go that happens within each exhalation.  This is the perfect time of year as we come towards the winter solstice to embrace the natural time of releasing, slowing down, moving towards that fertile void […]

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Oct 09

20 Minutes of Gratitude

By Ally | Gratitude , Meditation

This 20 Minute Gratitude Meditation is meant to lead you into a state of FEELING gratitude deeply in your body.​ What is Gratitude Meditation? Gratitude meditation is a type of meditation that focuses on expressing gratitude for the things in your life. “Buddhist monks begin each day with a chant of gratitude for the blessings of their life. […]

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Apr 08

Cultivating Hope

By Ally | Meditation

In this meditation, I wanted to explore the virtue of hope   Through neuroscience we’re discovering that what we practice, we become. Hope is different from optimism, which I think CAN be about wishing. Wishing in a direction and then hopefully it will happen. Hope is a choice; it’s a courageous choice. Based in reality […]

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Feb 03

5 Minutes of Gratitude

By Ally | Gratitude , Meditation

This 5 minute gratitude meditation is a guided experience of internalizing awareness on the sensations of gratitude and and an accessible exploration of meditation. ​   ​​This short guided meditation is very beginner friendly and will guide you through the practice of gratitude in a quick and potent way.   Please take a moment of […]

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Oct 06

5 Minute Metta Meditation

By Ally | Meditation

Welcome. I’m so glad you are here.   This 5-minute meditation is a metta (loving kindness/compassion) guided meditation.   This short guided meditation is very beginner friendly and will guide you through the practice of metta in a quick and powerful way. When you shift your energy to one of compassion/loving kindness, it makes a […]

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Sep 10

5 Minute Meditation – Self Love

By Ally | Meditation , Well Being

This short guided meditation will help you to cultivate self love, self compassion, ahimsa (non-violence) and a healthier relationship to yourself, your body, your mind.   It’s so important for each of us to learn how to practice self love, because when we don’t love ourselves, we are not able to truly express unconditional love […]

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