Mar 10

Welcome and Namaste, today we are exploring Equanimity. One of the most powerful skills that arises from a meditation practice. 

Cultivate equanimity in the face of life's ups and downs, and find deeper access to joy.

When we cultivate equanimity, there's an inner peace that we can abide in in any situation in life. There's a calm that we can hold through the inevitable storms of life.

Equanimity is not to be confused with the "near enemy" of indifference in the face of the non-virtuous, immoral, hateful or harmful actions of others, It's not standing by and allowing the injustices of the world to continue. 

Equanimity is a state of even-minded openness that allows for a balanced, clear response to all situations, rather than a response borne of reactivity or impulse or strong emotion. 

When equanimity is cultivated, over time we are moved by injustice in the world and motivated to make things better, but our deep inner peace is not disturbed. 

We become the "eye of the storm"

Ultimately equanimity teaches us that suffering or happiness is created through one's relationship to experience, not by experience itself.

It's a state of being "frictionless" 

I hope that you find today's exploration helpful in your meditation journey. Please let me know in the comments below how this practice made you feel. I'd love to hear if you've had experience meditating on the state of equanimity before! 

Scroll down to join in with your reflection in the comments section! 

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Would you like to join my next Online Journey of the Self? 

Check out my next Online Community Experience this Spring Equinox.

Share about your experience in the challenge on instagram! #meditatewithally


About the Author

Ally Boothroyd is a yoga educator and meditation teacher with a passion for yoga nidra and the healing power of conscious rest. She is the founder of Sarovara Yoga, a yoga space and women's retreat centre in Ontario, Canada. A sanctuary on the water where she fosters local community and supports health, personal growth, emotional resiliency, authenticity, awareness, and awakening. Ally also leads Retreats and Yoga Teacher Trainings in Nosara, Costa Rica

  • Penny says:

    Good morning! Today’s link doesn’t seem to be taking me anywhere. But I am pleased to say, I am meeting this challenge with equanimity…and I haven’t even done the meditation yet! Since it is early in the day, I shall wait to see what transpires. Namaste.

    • Ally says:

      Hahahaha I’m so glad to hear you met this with equanimity Penny! Thank you for letting me know! It published as private for some reason. I’ve fixed it!

  • Jen Halischuk Jones says:

    I am loving the mediations, thank you, although today’s would not open.

    • Ally says:

      Thank you for letting me know Jen 🙂 It published as private for some reason. I’ve fixed it! You can meditate your heart out now lol

  • Lisa says:

    What a wonderful guided meditation! I’m so into it! Thank you!

  • Julie says:

    Good morning 🙂 so as I was doing this I heard my furnace making the sound that it does just before it stops working so it took alot of concentration to stay with it but your prompting was right in line with everything that I was feeling so it was actually ironically perfect! Lol
    And afterwards I had to have a shower which went from warm to cold (as it does when the furnace stops) but I was able to hear your words and just kept thinking the whole time how ironic this was. Life is so amazing when we pay attention! Despite the distractions it was a very calming meditation and great practice for the day ahead! Thank you Ally 🙂

    • Ally says:

      Omgosh, everything about this lol… I’m so glad this particular meditation fell on today!!! Oh, life… hahaha thanks for sharing this story 🙂

  • Michelle Delahaye says:

    Being new to meditation, aside from the wonderful experiences I had in Costa Rica on the retreat, I am finding these practises very helpful with my day to day living. Over the last 3 days I have used what I have learned several times throughout the day & its really working! Thank you Ally! You are an amazing coach!

    • Ally says:

      Yes!!! I love this, it’s truly amazing how a practice as simple as sitting and noticing different aspects and qualities that we can bring our attention to can make such a BIG IMPACT on our days!!! Truly magical right?

  • Sue Legree says:

    This particular meditation emphasized to me the importance of not trying to attain or get somewhere with my sit but just to “be here now” with whatever is happening in the body and be ok with it. Sensations come and go, thoughts come and go and its not what is happening in the body or mind that is important but how we respond rather than react to it. Loved the sound of the waves…..

    • Ally says:

      Love this reflection Sue, and yes… the waves are soothing to me too. I love meditating in nature and definitely I find the water sounds soothing whether a lake or ocean or river or waterfall… so good for my soul 🙂

  • Tara Lee says:

    I love the shifts within the mind. I found myself in such a relaxed state. I did drop in as the observer. Chatter was very minimal with the mind relaxed so deeply into awareness… I felt that the mind did not want to engage. Pretty cool!! Loved the sound of the Ocean as much as your voice! 👏👏👏 loved the guide ♥️

  • Linda says:

    Loved the sound of the ocean. I felt an acceptance of the hot and cold, it did take perseverance.

  • Wendy says:

    Hi Ally. I am loving your guided practices. Today’s practice on equanimity really reasonated with me regarding a personal family relationship I have that has always been tumultuous. i will use your words to help me get to and remain in the eye of the storm instead of ending up in the chaos surrounding it. Thank you. Namaste.

    • Ally says:

      That’s wonderful Wendy, I love how such a simple practice as sitting in meditation can make the most profound impacts and dynamic shifts in our lives and especially through a challenge. Thank you for being here and for this reflection. 🙂

  • Jean says:

    Wow…equanimity is powerful and I understand the concept…now to use the visualization you gave to put the skill into practice during the days. That will be the hard part. Our emotions arise because of “our relationship to our experiences not by the experiences themselves!” So important to remember! Thank you Ally!

    • Ally says:

      Isn’t it a powerful teaching? I find this one takes the most practice and perseverance for me. I come back to the practices around equanimity often.

  • Donna says:

    I am learning more about the state of meditation through your teachings than I have ever before. So helpful to have this guided meditation. Stays with me through the day. I will keep coming back to this one. Loved the ocean sounds especially since I am looking out to snow! Thank you

    • Ally says:

      I am full of gratitude as I read your words Donna! I’m so glad that you are learning throughout this challenge and that the practices are already beginning to carry along with you in your days. So wonderful! 🙂

  • Melissa says:

    Lovely practice today Ally. Today I choose to wait until early afternoon to practice as I find morning rushed and hectic in the house. Afternoon tends to be a quiet time for me and it was perfect today. A nice break from the day and time for me. Having been under the weather the last couple of days I practiced in a restorative bound angle rather than seated. That was wonderful for today. So much so it may be my new go to as I feel more rejuvenated now then when I practice seated in the morning. I enjoyed learning more about equanimity and really gives me some things to think about, moving away from reactivity to observing what is happening around me rather than to me. Thank you.

    • Ally says:

      I love that you allowed yourself to meditate in a restorative pose, so wise and allowed you to still practice even though you weren’t feeling so up for it. So great that we can modify the guided recordings to fit what’s needed in the moment! It makes me so happy to read this Melissa! 🙂

  • joanne says:

    Wow today was a turning point for me.I was very relaxed , comfortable in my body and didn’t drift very often.I loved everything about the practice, the sounds of the surf were perfect as that has always been my go to for a sense of calmness. The visuals that you used throughout the practice truly helped me stay in the moment and really embrace equanimity and the meaning of it. I hope to be able to take all of this with me everyday . I will try.Thank you Ally.

    • Ally says:

      This is beautiful Joanne, I’m so glad to hear this!!! Thank you for sharing with us!! Yes, the practices really start to make an impact when they start to infuse our lives more and more 🙂

  • joanne says:

    Wow today was a turning point for me.I was very relaxed , comfortable in my body and didn’t drift very often.I loved everything about the practice, the sounds of the surf were perfect as that has always been my go to for a sense of calmness. The visuals that you used throughout the practice truly helped me stay in the moment and really embrace equanimity and the meaning of it. I hope to be able to take all of this with me everyday . I will try.Thank you Ally.

  • Susie says:

    Loved today’s practice Al 🙂 I am very quick to jump into a “fix the problem” role and really liked the cold water imagery and opening up to discomfort. I find myself teaching around this concept a lot in my yoga classes and mindfulness work but need to insert more personal practices into my everyday just for me. Wohoo day 3! Xo

    • Ally says:

      Yeah!!!! Day 3 down and out lol… I also tend to try to fix things… I have a belief from early childhood that everything is my fault, so whenever there is a problem, I feel the strong urge to try to manage or “fix” it… Not always helpful hahahaha

  • Dee says:

    I loved this equanimity meditation.. I didn’t get time this morning To meditate but it was perfect for tonight! Especially as I considered some interesting moments today and where I noticed myself pulled from my ‘calm centre’.. and the ways I pulled myself back. This meditation supported my processing and peace tonight.. Thx so much. Dee

    • Ally says:

      Hey Dee, I love that this meditation arrived at just the right time of day for you 🙂 It’s wonderful how it can really help us to “digest” life in this way… 🙂

  • Sharon says:

    I was behind a day and did day two this morning. After a frustrating event this evening I decided to do day three before bed and I am so happy I did. Learning to bring calm to my situation through equanimity was amazing and I’m feeling so relaxed now. I think a good nights sleep will be had. Thank you Ally.

    • Ally says:

      I’m so happy to hear this Sharon. I’m so glad that the practices are supporting you in life. It’s so nice to practice before bed sometimes too!! Makes for such a peaceful rest 🙂

  • Teghan G says:

    I will start by being honest & saying that I decided to do this one laying down & I fell asleep! The sound of waves tends to do that for me. I am definitely going to try it again sitting some time to take in the whole practise, but I found the concept of equanimity very cool – it was totally new to me & I appreciated learning about it! Thanks Ally!

    • Ally says:

      Hahahaha AMAZING. The same thing happened to my husband. We were meditating beside each other with headphones in and suddenly I heard some snoring in the background LOL Yes, come back to it sometime when you can do a seated practice for sure!:)

  • Stella says:

    I struggled at the beginning with the idea of a warm and cold shower – but will try again. I did like the visualisation of being the centre of a storm and the idea of equanimity – I will definitely revisit
    Thank you

    • Ally says:

      Yes, this concept can take a bit of time and practice to land 🙂 I’m happy to hear that you will come back to it! That’s for sharing with us Stella

  • Judi says:

    This one was more challenging but the concept is very appealing. I will need to practice this to reach that state. Thank you Ally.

    • Ally says:

      Yes, this concept can take a bit of time and practice to land 🙂 I’m happy to hear that you will come back to it! That’s for sharing with us Judi!

  • Reanna says:

    Thank you for this practice Ally, it was just what I needed! I am doing this a few days behind but feel like I was able to cultivate a sense of calm and openness in this meditation, which feels very therapeutic right now. A great way to start the day. Thank you!

    • Ally says:

      Hey Reanna 🙂

      No worries, I’m getting so many messages from people who are “behind” due to all the craziness in the world right now. It’s not something to make a thing 🙂 the practices are here at the right time for each person. I’m glad you were able to have a therapeutic experience here, especially with the mass anxiety and hysteria happening out there in the world right now. Xo, thank you for practicing with me!

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