This 20 Minute Gratitude Meditation is meant to lead you into a state of FEELING gratitude deeply in your body.
What is Gratitude Meditation?
Gratitude meditation is a type of meditation that focuses on expressing gratitude for the things in your life.
“Buddhist monks begin each day with a chant of gratitude for the blessings of their life. Native American elders begin each ceremony with grateful prayers to mother earth and father sky, to the four directions, to the animal, plant, and mineral brothers and sisters who share our earth and support our life. In Tibet, the monks and nuns even offer prayers of gratitude for the suffering they have been given” - Jack Kornfield
While some people might think of meditation along the lines of sitting in a dark room and clearing your mind, gratitude meditation can be practiced in many different settings. One might practice gratitude meditation while they wait for their morning tea, a few moments in the bath, or walking outside in nature. The options for mindfulness and noticing or cultivating gratitude are endless!
I hope that you enjoy it, please leave me a comment below if you do.
Namaste, Ally