Hridaya Heart Space Meditation

By Ally | Meditation

Jan 25

This is a short uplifting pranayama practice for clearing the mind and cleansing the energy followed by a Heart Space Meditation.

Know that I was in Costa Rica filming this video so there are some loud birds and monkeys in the background and faint sounds of my neighbours in the distance. Please use this as an opportunity not to feel discouraged or distracted. As an opportunity to practice "santosha" (contentment with what is)

Tips: When you breathe in and fold the chest over towards the floor, only fold as far as is comfortable and use your own lung capacity and breathing speed. It's important to go at your own pace and not feel short of breath. As you sit up, inhale through the nose.

This meditation encourages you to tune in and become aware of the feelings in the area of the heart. Listening. Noticing. Sensing.

Often we’re localized in the head out of habituation so when we tap into awareness from the heart space we can sense the gentle and nurturing frequency that resides here.

This space is known in the Vedic tradition as the "Hridaya" - the space of the heart or as the "Guha" - the cave of the heart: the entire universe is said to reside here.

I hope you enjoy this short connection time with the heart space. Please leave me a comment if you do.


"When I grow intimate with the source of all that is,
drawn near to its energy and love,
there’s nothing left to do but rest.
In a life of must do’s and should’s,
this is a refuge, an interlude,
a chance to let the mystery enfold me."

~ Danna Faulds, “Interlude”

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About the Author

Ally Boothroyd is a yoga educator and meditation teacher with a passion for yoga nidra and the healing power of conscious rest. She is the founder of Sarovara Yoga, a yoga space and women's retreat centre in Ontario, Canada. A sanctuary on the water where she fosters local community and supports health, personal growth, emotional resiliency, authenticity, awareness, and awakening. Ally also leads Retreats and Yoga Teacher Trainings in Nosara, Costa Rica

  • Kate says:

    Beautiful my girl! Thank you for sharing your light ✨🌙🌱

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