Tag Archives for " Pranayama "

May 19

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Step Two

By Haleigh Kimble | Meditation

WELCOME & NAMASTE,Many of you have asked me how to practice the psychic nadi shodhana or imagined alternate nostril breathing. Don’t feel frustrated if you tried a yoga nidra and it felt like it was tricky or didn’t make sense to you. It’s important to learn the beginner steps first and then start to work […]

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Dec 16

Letting Go Breath

By Ally | Meditation , Moon Phases

​In this video I will guide you through a 10 minute breathing practice to tap in the the effortless emptying out/letting go that happens within each exhalation.   This is the perfect time of year as we come towards the winter solstice to embrace the natural time of releasing, slowing down, moving towards that fertile […]

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