Category Archives for "Meditation"

Nov 30

Yoga Nidra Massage For Your Nervous System

By Ally | Meditation

welcome & namaste, Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that uses a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. This yogic sleep technique calms the nervous system and activate the parasympathetic (relaxation, rest & digest) response. In this yoga nidra guided meditation to relax you will be guided through a body scan […]

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Nov 21

18 Minute Yoga Nidra With Rainforest Sounds

By Ally | Meditation

welcome & namaste, Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that uses a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. This yogic sleep technique calms the nervous system and activates the parasympathetic (relaxation, rest & digest) response. In this yoga nidra guided meditation to relax you will be guided through a body scan […]

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Nov 09

30 Minute Non Sleep Deep Rest Yoga Nidra

By Haleigh Kimble | Meditation

welcome & namaste, Non Sleep Deep Rest Yoga Nidra (NSDR) is a Tool for De-Stress and Relaxation. It’s the scientific term coined to describe the state of Yoga Nidra. A state described by Sanskrit scholars as “peace beyond words”. This non-sleep deep rest protocol is a technique recommended by Dr. Andrew Huberman. He talks about […]

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Nov 09

Coming Soon: 5 Day Vata Season Immersion

By Ally | Meditation

Vata Season Immersion: November 22-26 What is Vata? This ancient Sanskrit term describes the “dosha” that relates to the air element. Vata season can elevate this element within our selves which can lead to feelings of anxiety, nervousness, panic, fear, inconsistency. Feeling overwhelmed. It can cause light, interrupted sleep. Mentally it can lead to spacey […]

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Nov 03

15 Minute Yoga Nidra

By Ally | Meditation

welcome & namaste,   Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that uses a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. This yogic sleep technique calms the nervous system and activates the parasympathetic (relaxation, rest & digest) response.    In this yoga nidra guided meditation to relax you will be guided through a […]

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Oct 19

20 Minute Full Moon Yoga Nidra

By Ally | Meditation

welcome & namaste, This 20 Minute Full Moon yoga nidra with gentle rain sounds aids in deep relaxation through the effortless guided meditation of nidra (sleep). Let yourself relax and be guided into a deep state of effortless meditation. This nidra is designed to create a Sankalpa that fosters a positive bhavana during the full […]

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Oct 19

Little Souls Yoga Nidra For Kids

By Ally | Meditation

welcome & namaste, OR SCAN THE QR CODE BELOW! check out the free GLOW BUG NIDRA under MINDFULNESS and YOGA NIDRA in the LITTLE SOULS APP Learn more about ally’s online nidra trainings here Melissa Burton transformational sleep ytt graduate “Going into this course I already had a decent base understanding of what Yoga Nidra […]

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Sep 29

12 Minute Yoga Nidra: Full Nervous System Massage

By Ally | Meditation

welcome & namaste,   Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that uses a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. This yogic sleep technique calms the nervous system and activates the parasympathetic (relaxation, rest & digest) response.    In this yoga nidra guided meditation to relax you will be guided through a […]

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