Oct 13

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Welcome & Namaste,

I'm so happy you're here practicing with me today.

This 20 Minute Grounding Yoga Nidra will bring your body, mind and soul deep regenerating and healing rest. 

This is a meditation includes a forest bath with a symphony of bird song to further enhance the state of deep relaxation in the central nervous system.

This 20 minute grounding yoga nidra is a guided meditation for deep regenerating and healing rest. Yoga nidra as a guided meditation is a great relaxation technique and so much more. This yoga nidra is healing for muladhara chakra & vata dosha by lowering vata, calming vata, using the earth element and forest visualization to balance muladhara, the root chakra and calm the nervous system.

This is a yoga nidra style body scan to sooth the nerves. This yog nidra includes a forest bath with a symphony of bird song to further enhance the state of deep relaxation in the central nervous system. 

In this 20 Minute Yoga Nidra, I will guide you through a relaxation and visualization for the element of earth (prithvi), the muladhara (root/base chakra), and vata dosha elevation (wind/air element elevation). A gentle forest visualization will calm, ground and balance vata, sooth anxiety, nourish the anna maya kosha (physical body) and invigorate muladhara chakra. 

Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation that helps with insomnia, anxiety, stress, adrenal fatigue, ptsd and so much more. This scan takes you through the whole body, systematically relaxing every part of your being.

Stephanie Triemstra 

ytt graduate

"I am an obstetrical Registersed Nurse, RYT200, Prenatal Yoga Certified & creator of Ocean Soul Yoga. I did my RYT200 with Tiina & Ally back in 2016 & I’m so thankful I am connecting again with Ally & Tiina taking Ally’s Yoga Nidra Teacher Training. Ally touches my life and opens up a space of connection, comfort & acceptance every time I take a training with her. I feel a shift, an awakening & inspired at her depth of knowledge regarding the brain, being a business owner & so honest & authentic about her past history of how Yoga Nidra helped transform her life. I would highly recommend this teacher training to everyone - yoga teachers, non yoga teachers, nurses, moms & anyone who is breathing on this earth. The blessing that Ally is to this world cannot be put into words - I am so appreciative to continue to cross paths & connect with her." 

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I'd love to hear from you in the comments below!!! How do you feel after this guided yoga nidra meditatio

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About the Author

Ally Boothroyd is a yoga educator and meditation teacher with a passion for yoga nidra and the healing power of conscious rest. She is the founder of Sarovara Yoga, a yoga space and women's retreat centre in Ontario, Canada. A sanctuary on the water where she fosters local community and supports health, personal growth, emotional resiliency, authenticity, awareness, and awakening. Ally also leads Retreats and Yoga Teacher Trainings in Nosara, Costa Rica

  • Ally says:

    Thank you for practicing with me today! I’d love to hear from you! How do you feel after this nidra? Where are you practicing from today? Thank you for visiting me on my blog!

  • Dee says:

    This came to me at the perfect time. Haven’t felt this relaxed in ages. I feel into a deep sleep. Thank you Ally. 💗

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