Tag Archives for " Meditation Challenge "

Mar 18

Surrender – Ishvara Pranidhana Meditation

By Ally | Meditation , Spirit

Welcome & Namaste 🙂  Today’s topic is very much relevant to the current circumstances that we find ourselves in as a global community of humans.  There are sometimes, often times, circumstances in life that we have absolutely zero control over. This is a hard pill to swallow for many of us.  The rapid spread and unpredictability that […]

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Mar 16

Sangha – Community in Truth

By Ally | Meditation , Well Being

Welcome and Namaste,  Today’s practice is all about Sangha. This word Sangha is a Sanskrit word that describes “community in truth” or “community in love”.  A sangha is a community of humans practicing the dharma together in order to bring about and to maintain awareness. The essence of a sangha is awareness, understanding, acceptance, harmony and love.  In […]

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Mar 15

Feeling Supported – Day 8

By Ally | Meditation , Well Being

Welcome and Namaste 🙂    Today’s practice is simply meant to nourish you on all levels. I invite you to actually LAY DOWN for this practice (whaaaat?)   Please prop your body in a reclined position as I demonstrate in the video to keep yourself upright-ish in your supported position.  Feeling supported is so important. […]

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Mar 14

Concentration – Day 7

By Ally | Mantra , Meditation

Welcome and Namaste 🙂   Today we are exploring the skill of concentration (vitakka or dharana – the ability to CHOOSE what you want to pay attention to). We’ve explored this concept before and we practice the skill of concentration every time we sit down to meditate.    Today we will explore this skill through […]

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Mar 13

Equanimity – Day 6

By Ally | Meditation

Welcome and Namaste 🙂    Today we are exploring into the practice of EQUANIMITY – one of the main skills that we cultivate in a meditation practice.    Equanimity means to “maintain mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.” Are there certain people or situations that trigger anger, rage, and […]

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Mar 12

Gratitude – Day 5

By Ally | Gratitude , Meditation

Welcome and Namaste 🙂    Today’s topic is Gratitude. This Gratitude Meditation is meant to lead you into a state of FEELING gratitude deeply in your body. What is Gratitude Meditation?   Gratitude meditation is a type of meditation that focuses on expressing gratitude for the things in your life.   Did you know that […]

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Mar 09

Clarity – Day Two

By Ally | Meditation

Welcome and Namaste 🙂    Today is day two of our meditation challenge, I’m so happy you are here. We are exploring another one of the main skills that is cultivated in a meditation practice today: CLARITY.    Clarity is another one of those umbrella terms for skills that are learned through a variety of […]

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Mar 08

Concentration – Day One

By Ally | Meditation

Welcome and Namaste 🙂    Today is day one of our meditation challenge and I am so glad that you are here. We are exploring one of the main skills that is cultivated in a meditation practice today: CONCENTRATION.    Concentration is really one of the most powerful skills that we gain from a consistent […]

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Mar 07

Meditation Challenge Tips

By Ally | Meditation Tips

THANK YOU! I’m so grateful for the overwhelming response and participation in this meditation challenge. I am honoured to be your guide in learning together in this community and I have some quick tips to set you up for success.    The main one is: Practice FIRST THING in the morning if you can. You will […]

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