Tag Archives for " Heart Meditation "

Mar 11

Care – Day 4

By Ally | Meditation

Welcome and Namaste 🙂  Today we are exploring one of the skills that arises from a meditation practice which is a deep sense of CARE.  One of my beloved teachers, Jeff Warren categorizes many of the compassion practices under the umbrella term of Care. You may be familiar with some of these practices such as Metta, Loving […]

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Jan 25

Hridaya Heart Space Meditation

By Ally | Meditation , Spirit

This is a short uplifting pranayama practice for clearing the mind and cleansing the energy followed by a Heart Space Meditation.   Know that I was in Costa Rica filming this video so there are some loud birds and monkeys in the background and faint sounds of my neighbours in the distance. Please use this […]

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Oct 06

5 Minute Metta Meditation

By Ally | Meditation

Welcome. I’m so glad you are here.   This 5-minute meditation is a metta (loving kindness/compassion) guided meditation.   This short guided meditation is very beginner friendly and will guide you through the practice of metta in a quick and powerful way. When you shift your energy to one of compassion/loving kindness, it makes a […]

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Sep 10

5 Minute Meditation – Self Love

By Ally | Meditation , Well Being

This short guided meditation will help you to cultivate self love, self compassion, ahimsa (non-violence) and a healthier relationship to yourself, your body, your mind.   It’s so important for each of us to learn how to practice self love, because when we don’t love ourselves, we are not able to truly express unconditional love […]

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