By Ally | Prenatal

May 07

Namaste, Welcome and Congratulations! (on the baby, not the rash!) 

Have you been diagnosed with pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy? Ugh!!! It's the absolute worst things ever! 

Did you know that the most important thing for healing PUPPP pregnancy rash is what food you eat? Yes! You can heal PUPPP with foods and this is how I healed my rash QUICKLY.

What foods heal PUPPP pregnancy rash?

Healing PUPPP pregnancy rash involves gentle liver support for pregnancy through eating whole complex carbohydrates and in this video I share the top 3 foods to eat to reverse your pregnancy rash.


What causes PUPPP rash? Nobody knows for sure, but with these gentle enough for pregnancy liver cleansing techniques, I've reversed and cured my pregnancy rash and helped dozens of other pregnant women heal their rashes as well!

Yes, these foods are known to help the Liver Cleanse very gently and efficiently.

So, if you're wondering What causes PUPPP? How to heal a PUPPS rash? How to heal pregnancy rash? How to stop the itch of PUPPP rash? How to reverse PUPPP rash? What causes pregnancy rash? And how to heal PUPPS rash with food?


It has all the information that has been helping hundreds of women heal their pregnancy rashes 🙂 

PUPPP, which stands for pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy, is an awful itchy pregnancy rash that 1 in 100-200 pregnant women get the pleasure of experiencing (and trying to not go insane through.)

I was lucky enough to have mine start in week 7 of my first trimester. It usually arrives towards the end of the 3rd trimester, around 35 or 36 weeks pregnant but I've met several women now in the same boat as me, that got the rash practically immediately. I've also met tons of women who have gotten the rash postpartum as well! BOO.  

The goods news: I was able to completely heal my rash within a couple of weeks which is not a common experience. In fact, most resources and doctors will tell you that there's nothing you can really do until the baby is delivered and then it will go away on its own.

I've found that not to be true as I've also had many postpartum women reach out to me with the rash, thanking me for the information that allowed them to heal their rashes after pregnancy!

I want to share everything that I did in the hopes that it will help other women suffering from this terrible rash.

In this video I cover: The Top 3 Foods to gently cleanse your liver and heal the rash. 

1. Apples of the rest variety

2. Dates and LOTS OF THEM!

3. Celery or Celery Juice. 

I also talk about what time of day to eat certain foods and what to avoid in the video. 

To find out more details on what not to eat find more details in the blog post here: COLES NOTES

You can also watch my videos How to heal a PUPPP Rash with Ayurveda

I hope you have the same experience I have had with my rash healing up and disappearing completely! 🙂 

Please leave me a comment below and let me know how you are doing? Is this information helping your symptoms? How far along are you?


About the Author

Ally Boothroyd is a yoga educator and meditation teacher with a passion for yoga nidra and the healing power of conscious rest. She is the founder of Sarovara Yoga, a yoga space and women's retreat centre in Ontario, Canada. A sanctuary on the water where she fosters local community and supports health, personal growth, emotional resiliency, authenticity, awareness, and awakening. Ally also leads Retreats and Yoga Teacher Trainings in Nosara, Costa Rica

  • Beth says:

    Thanks so much! This is so helpful.
    I have a few questions and maybe you answered them somehow but..

    Did you find yourself hungry until lunch? I find I am starving until doing the Liver Rescue Morning protocol with just the water, juice and fruit. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks again!

    Did you do the Morning Rescue until you gave birth?

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