Tag Archives for " Compassion Meditation "

Mar 30

Prayers for Pinecrest Nursing Home

By Ally | Meditation

Our community here in my hometown of Bobcaygeon is hurting right now.We’ve been devastated by the spread of COVID-19. Especially to those living and working inside of Pinecrest Nursing home and their loved ones. A few members in the community asked me to lead a guided prayer/meditation and this is of course the least I could […]

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Mar 11

Care – Day 4

By Ally | Meditation

Welcome and Namaste 🙂  Today we are exploring one of the skills that arises from a meditation practice which is a deep sense of CARE.  One of my beloved teachers, Jeff Warren categorizes many of the compassion practices under the umbrella term of Care. You may be familiar with some of these practices such as Metta, Loving […]

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Mar 01

Tonglen – the Space of the Heart

By Ally | Meditation

This is one of the most powerful compassion practices that I’ve learned over the years. In today’s guided meditation we’ll be awakening compassion through the practice of Tonglen.     Tonglen is a Tibetan Buddhist Practice which is sometimes translated as “giving and receiving”. It’s a very powerful practice, a simple practice. And some find […]

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