Tag Archives for " Breathing Techniques "

Apr 14

Step One: Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

By Ally | Meditation

welcome & namaste,Many of you have asked me how to practice the psychic nadi shodhana or imagined alternate nostril breathing. Don’t feel frustrated if you tried a yoga nidra and it felt like it was tricky or didn’t make sense to you. It’s important to learn the beginner steps first and then start to work […]

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Jul 23

Breath to Calm the Nervous System

By Ally | Meditation , Well Being

TIP – use headphones for ease of hearing on this video (this is my first video ever before I owned a microphone!) This is the first technique I teach my students when they are new to learning meditation. The most common obstacle I seem to hear about is an “overactive mind” or “thoughts racing” or “mental […]

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